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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
^People wouldn't be interested, since the Wii already has those games

Yes but not all the peoples have the Wiis.

They would buy the Wii if they wanted those games

I for one won't but the Wii for the motion games as I want more from my console (Blu-ray, online games, HD). However, if it were on the Ps3 market, something like Wii sports could get me interested.

You're already a PS3 fan/owner, you're already part of the incumbent market

I don't think that Natal/gem will target the same audience as Wii will. I see them targeting more a semi-hardcore gamer market, kind of interested in Wii-like applications, but wanting HD or more from their console. I'm not saying they will be stellar (in previous posts I said that both will not do so well), but they will garner interest and munch on some Wii sales that border on the hardcore.

in your dream only man,

what you call "semi-hardcroe" market is, in deed, the hardcore market + motion control

the main point of Natla/Gem is ==> mainstream casual crowd.

they will also try to put some hardcore game, sure, because hardcore are active players buying lot of games and generating some hype but those games will not reach the mainstream casual crowd and will have little impact outside the hardcore crowd

Time to Work !