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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

Avinash_Tyagi said:
No one is saying for them to just copy Wii sports, but the issue is understanding the values of the downmarket, and the ability to produce games that appeal to those values.

Unfortunately for Sony and MS, they lack the processes and values as companies to do that.

Nintendo is a gaming company, not a technology company or computer company, and a company with a very strong first party, in fact building its hardware around the needs of its first party, this is a major reason for why nintendo has the processes and values needed, and why Sony and MS are unlikely to be able to compete

Nintendo's capabilities are undeniable and even a perfect Sony and MS reaction couldn't anymore, by now, deny its victory. But as tech and computer company Sony and MS could do a clever thing, ask users and most dynamic SW houses what is necessary for the next gen consoles, then study by themselves also some new appealing features and finally deliver HW and dev tools, for their own 1st parties and for 3rd parties.

Despite some haters, I never underestimate Nintendo, and actually Wii is the only current gen console I could buy, when its price drops enough and enough games I could like are released to meet my value for money threshold. But neither I underestimate Sony and MS, they are undeniably bloated and far too often they act clumsily, but they both have big resources and high ability to recover and put their errors right. And yes, they failed for arrogance, excess of confidence and lack of agility, so they needed a big lesson of humility. But firmly believing they refuse to learn would mean believing they crave for suicide, by no means a rational behaviour for a company. And to be lulled in a false sense of security by this belief would be a dangerous mistake for Nintendo, so actually Nintendo strongest fans, should they manage to achieve this persuading it its competitors are committing suicide and there's no need to fight, could put Nintendo at risk.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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