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Rumor: NSMB Wii going to be ported to the PS3

A credible and usually reliable source claims that Nintendo intends to port New Super Mario Bros. Wii to Sony’s PlayStation 3. Obviously the “Wii” at the end of the game’s name will be scratched and replaced by something else, possibly “PS3″, although it’s still unconfirmed. What makes this rumor plausible is a big hint dropped in the game itself. Watch the video below, the relevant part lasts from 1:23 to 1:33. (Spoiler warning: This is the final boss fight.)

It isn’t hard to see the symbols resembling the PlayStation controller: Square, Triangle and Circle. Now why would Nintendo do that, if they didn’t intend to port the game to the PS3? Some observers may note that the fourth symbol (Cross) is missing, but if the developers included that one as well, it would have been a little bit too obvious.

A port of New Super Mario Bros. Wii makes a lot of sense for various reasons.

  1. Sony desperately needs a game that is capable of moving hardware.
  2. Nintendo can never have enough money, because all they do is video games. They can’t fall back on other divisions like Sony or Microsoft in case gaming isn’t profitable for them anymore.
  3. PSN would allow the game to be played online and receive additional levels and characters as downloadable content.
  4. Graphics could be updated to current generation standards. Combined with the previous point this would help Nintendo to get rid of the perception that they are lazy.
  5. The best game of this generation would also be available for the best console of this generation.
  6. It would help Nintendo to bust the myth that Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo systems.
  7. It would fill a big gap in Sony’s lineup, because the PS3 is currently the only console that doesn’t have any high profile 2D platformers. Even the Xbox 360 has ‘Splosion Man.
  8. The Wii is a sinking ship, so it’s best for Nintendo to refocus on a platform that still has its best days ahead of it.
  9. At last the game would get the scores that it deserves from critics, because it isn’t an evil Wii exclusive anymore.
  10. Why not? We have seen stranger things happen this generation. Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid going to the Xbox 360, Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest going to the Wii. Now it’s the PS3’s turn to receive something in return for everything it has been giving in the past years.

Considering all of the above, only the blindest of fanboys would deny the possibility that a port of NSMB Wii could happen. Also, there’s precedence already. The game got ported from the DS to the Wii after all.

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