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80 (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy
34 (Wii) Metroid Prime 3 (+)
6 (Multi) The Orange Box
0 (Multi) Bioshock (-) DEAD

DEAD (DS) Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training 2
DEAD (PS3) Uncharted Drake's Fortune
DEAD (PS2) Okami
DEAD (360) Mass Effect
DEAD (PC) Crysis
DEAD (PS3) Ratchet and Clank
DEAD (Wii) Ninja Bread Man
DEAD (Multi) Rock Band
DEAD (PS2) God of War 2
DEAD (PC) Unreal Tournament 3
DEAD (PC) Gears of War
DEAD (Multi) Call of Duty 4
DEAD (PC) World in Conflict
DEAD (PS3) Heavenly Sword
DEAD (Wii) Resident Evil 4
DEAD (Wii) Super Paper Mario
DEAD (PS3) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
DEAD (Multi) Assassin Creed
DEAD (PS3) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
DEAD (360) Halo 3

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Vote once per hour MAX

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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