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Xelloss said:
Garnett said:
Vashyo said:
Garnett said:
aragod said:
Garnett said:
Xelloss said:

MAG plays more like a PC FPS TBH, is a deeper game that caters to a more mature audience.

Plays slower and more strategic, not everyone likes MAG, but it fully succeeds at being the type of game it aims to be. Its audience is not as big as say a pop arcade FPS like MW2, but I think it will do pretty well.

ME1 was awesome, ME2 looks top be more awesome... ME2 will probably outsell MAG by quite a bit. Just because of budget and name and its a Bioware game.... and it promises to be pretty kick ass as well.

I was actually amazed at how much it looks like Project Reality Mod.


Except MAG isnt fun.

Just because it isn't casual arcade shooter like MW2, doesn't mean there aren't people who appreciate it's gameplay and style.

No offense but im not some average gamer, i have high standards and well MAG does everything good except.... The starting gun damages, i know there tier 1 but fuck make it so the other tier guns have better accuracy/clip size/recoil rate anything but damage, its just unrealistic....



Oh well ill  play MAG before i play KZ2 and Gears2.

What are you talking about :P

the different tier weapons are barely better, raven's first tier rifle is the more accurate than the the second tier rifle, but it has slower Rate of Fire and slightly lower damage

All the guns have strong and weakpoints, and using next tier weapon doesn't give you any advantage if the enemy player is much better with his tier 1 gun.

I disliked Sver's tier 3 rifle, because of it's recoil and slow fire rate.

All guns sound and shoot like BB guns, they are barley enough to kill someone. 



They just need to beef the guns up a lil bit, i shouldnt have to put more than 3 shots into someones chest to drop them. 


 There are also 3 tiers of armor... I think the damage is good though. Spraying most guns and getting a couple hits isnt usually going to pwn anyone, it is part of the reason the game plays slower. Unless you can get a solid series of shots or hit a couple in the upper torso or a headshot, your just wasting ammo and giving away your position.

 The game is supposed to be this way, and some of us are happy it is.

 @Dolemit3 - I honestly doubt the price will hurt MAG, it is easily worth $60 to those of us who like it. I complain about companies wasting money and effort in a "tacked on, useless" single player in FPS games the same way many people complain about having crappy multiplayer tacked onto games where they arent needed in other genres.  The online component to MAG has so much more work, and infrastructure investment than a normal game that just "has multiplayer"... I really do not see it as a "lesser value" in any form or fashion. Rather I know all the effort was spent on the "real game" instead of working on something that will really only look good on the back of the box.

The first default gun shouldnt have to put more than 5 rounds into a heavy plated soldier before they drop. Of course spraying doesnt work, im not playing CoD im playing a 256 player,not fun, knock off. Listen MAG isnt bad its just not fun.


I played with 256 players and i couldnt tell it was 256 seemed like R2 had way more people going at it. 


You have fun playing your MAG,KZ2 and Gears where you shoot BB guns and it takes a ridiculous amount of bullets to bring someone down. (Tho im gonna rent mag lol )