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superchunk said:
arsenicazure said:

If you havent been to south africa or havent read much about their history, you wouldn't have much clue as to what subtleties District 9 had, that I'm talking about.

Actually, I read quite extensively about the historical context of D9 and there is a HUGE difference in racism and controlling a far more advance alien species. That scenario simply would never playout. Whereas the Avatar scenario is pretty much exactly how it would play out, well, except we'd probably steamroll them just as the D9 peoples wouldn't have let the brutatlity last and steamrolled us.

I've been doing my very best to ignore this discussion buuuut

The alien race in D9? They're the drones of their race, with little or no active minds of their own. They do almsot nothing but follow orders. That's why there's only two drones in the whole movie - the scientist and his son - which are able to take any initiative or think imaginatively. This was explained fairly early on. They're docile because that's just the makeup of their species. They're no good unless told to do something