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wareagle372 said:
This is a dumb voting system. You think Metroid Prime 3 is better than Bioshock, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4?!?! That's crap. I have all three consoles, and played Metroid Prime 3 and it was a total dissapointment compared to the first two. Bioshock, however, was a great story line, great graphics, and great gameplay. I see half of the games that are out of this game of the year vote that are better than MP3.

I thought Super Mario Galaxy was going to be total hype, but when i played it, it was surprisingly good. It is definitely the best Wii game out there, if not one of the bests games this year.
No, for the last time elimination games do not tell you who is second or third, they only say who is first. People vote competition out first and as such it's not a valid way to gauge 2nd or 3rd.

Now personally? I think it is easily better than Gears (at least the PC version), just as good as Bioshock, and I would say its pretty close with CoD4 but they both have pretty opposite strengths and weaknesses so this one is hard to tell. But that is just the opinion of one person who has played all 4 of these games. The only game I haven't beaten is GoW, but I have played about half of far.../yawn.

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