SciFiBoy on 23 January 2010
Chairman-Mao said: Off the top of my head (not necessarily in order) 1. Winston Churchill - Amazing leader. Stood his ground against the nazis unlike that pisshead Chamberlain whose plan to appease the Germans failed miserably. 2. Harry S. Truman - Had the balls to drop a big fucking bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki winning the war in the Pacific for the USA. 3. Honest Abe Lincoln - Freed the slaves. Also won the civil war and sent those good old boys back to the deep south where they belong. 4. Josef Stalin - This guy didn't fuck around. He was a cold hearted bastard who called his son a failure because he couldn't even kill himself when he tried to. Also without Russia you'd all be eating sauerkraut and schnitzels. On the downside he was a communist piece of shit. 5. Adolf, I mean Hitler - He was a complete asshole, but on the bright side he hated communists and fixed Germany's economy. Killed himself like a little bitch after getting his ass kicked by USA, Britain and Russia. 6. The Beatles - The greatest rock band and probably one of the most influential ever. 7. Karl Marx - A communist piece of shit motherfucker who wants the world to be a fairytale where everyone lives out in a forest alongside the deer and there's rainbows everywhere and we all share and hold hands. Man up you piece of shit. 8. Henry Ford - He didn't invent cars, but he was one of the first to mass produce them and make them affordable. If it wasn't for him...well someone else would have done it a couple years later. At least he was a capitalist and not a pussy ass bitch commie red scumbag motherfucker. 9. Kim Campbell (joke entry) - The worst prime minister in Canadian history. She wasn't elected she only got in because Mulroney was a piece of shit and had to leave office. When she ran for re-election the conservatives lost the election by the largest margin in history for their party. 10. Ben Franklin - Electricity. |
what? no Mao for Mao?