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And Pachter said there will be a WII HD basically a wii with HD abilities ? This Gen ?

This is not going to happen this cant be solved through a simple update its impossible.

The WII would need another CPU/GPU a Multicore CPU and a 2-3 year old GPU and a lot more ram.

They would have to design a completly new console from the scratch and it would probably need a different housing. Ofcourse the new HD titles wouldnt be compatible. With the old Wiis

Pachter probably meant they will make an HD console next gen. Anything else makes no sense.

I think most people which are talking about a Wii HD think of a Wii successor after this gen ends. Wii HD= Next Gen. If pachter really talks about something like this and thinks of an "HD"
Update of the Wii he just have no clue about computer technology.

Maybe I have the wrong definition of WII HD. Is this a Wii which upscales the picture ? Makes no sense that has nothing to do with HD gaming the difference is even bigger then the difference between Bluray and Upscaled DVD. It wouldnt be real HD gaming. Native resolution is all what matters everything else are just nice numbers. Or what does he mean ?

I think this is a case of classical misunderstanding. I cant believe that he made such a stupid claim because its just impossible this cant happen. There is no way to make it happen.

Every kind of Wii HD would be the beginnig of the next gen. Except a WII with HDMi port and upscaling functionality but this has nothing to do with HD gaming and Nintendo knows that the difference is almost not noticable. This would make ZERO impact most people wouldnt be able to detect the differences. And would think they were beeing tricked by Nintendo because of the Name. Nintendo wouldnt do that ever because it would be an image damage.