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How long until people realize that a Wii HD is inevitable. There is no chance it cant happen if Nintendo releases new home consoles.

Maybe it will take another 5 years to happen. HD Is not a special feature HD comes automatically. Every improvment of the Wii Hardware would automaticaly put the Wii succesor into a positon that it is able to display 720p.

Nintendo would have to slow down the Wii succesor. HD Hardware is cheap. Look at the 360 most CPUS and GPUS are able to render in higher defentions then 640x480.

If the Hardware wont be improved there is no need for a succesor. Nintendo would have difficulties to get chips which are so weak that they cant display HD but which are stronger then the WII CPU/GPU. What should they use a single core CPU and an old GPU. Or netbook Technology ? This will lead to even more problems in 3-4 years because it will be hard to make a Console without HD. But where is the point in releasing a new Console without any technical improvment ?

Its completly senseless. 3d will only happen if the WII 2 has a strong Hardware= Wii HD.

Hd is nothing special anymore. Subnotebooks are stronger then the HD Consoles. It doesnt cost money.

If the next WII wont be able to render in HD how will it look like ? What chips are used and what should be the improvment.

pachter said this thing because its obviously going to happen. Thats like saying tomorrow we will have weather.