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O, I finally found out who said that quote guys, the "murder in the dark of night" quote, looks like I was off by a few words.

In and interview John Kerry said ,"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, break sort of the customs of the [*uh*] of [*uh*] the historical customs, religious customs."

Now he might have been referring to a specific incident, but none of the charges brought against the American soldiers in any of the cases that I know of, have yet resulted in a finding of guilt. Since we have a system here that you are "innocent until proven guilty" should he have made those comments? I believe not, he simply could have said that the incident, if he was talking about one incident in particular, "It is a tragedy and we need to investigate it thoroughly. I hope that these charges are false and this was all a big misunderstanding."

Not to mention that most of the charges brought against our troops are coming from the enemy itself. Like in Hadetha. That is a sham, and if any of our people get court-marshaled over it I will hold it over President Bush's head until they get exonerated.

Concerning Blackwater. I don't really give a rip. They may have over-reacted but they have, up to this point, been perfect in their record of the missions they have been on. 100% success rate. That is saying something. Even having said that, I believe that if people are wanting to crucify them over it, I say the same thing as in other cases, give them the benefit of the doubt, and if it does in fact turn out that they are guilty - Give them the full punishment of the law.

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