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naznatips said:
Ghazi4 said:
hey guys do i need to know stuff about mass effect 1 to play mass effect 2?? and yeah this trailer is sooo ownage!! :D

Yes, definitely. Mass Effect 2 starts like immediately after the end of Mass Effect and follows a completely continuous plot. It would be confusing and big spoilers if you played it without playing the first game.

This is why i hate ME2. I have to suffer through ME1 to be able to play ME2 :( I somewhat already know what happens in ME1, atleast one of the big twists and turns, but im not too familiar with the overal story. And ME2 as i understand has improved on all aspects of what people thought was bad with the first one. And ME2 seems to be more of a shooter aswell which is a good thing. But i've tried to play ME1 about 4 times, but i never get any further than after my first galactic travel part thingy :(