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selnor said:

Most games on PS3 or 360 either have no AA or x2. It's rare to have x4 on HD consoles. MGS4 had NONE.

Also Gears Of War 2 looks crap compared to ME2. Bioware have done a much much better job with UE3 than Epic.What I meant bty texture god was UE3 is known for having amazing textures. And I thought overbloom was something people said about GT5 or Uncharted 2. Not 360 games.

Screenshots of ME2:



Erm you need to look up your spec knowledge of the consoles. The 360 offers a 'free' 4xAA to almost any game, whereas the PS3 has 4xMSAA on Killzone 2 etc, and the Sabatour has SSAA. It's hardly rare to have 4xAA on the consoles, especially the 360 with it being a large advantage over the PS3 when it comes down to multiplatform titles.

Well no denying they look good, but at actual 720p, the textures do look flat, though that explosion is really impressive.Overbloom in GT5 and Uncharted? First I've ever heard of that, and it's an absurd claim:
Notice the nice after effects such as feild of depth and motion blur, something which the ME2 screens aren't showing. Plus looks like better AA.