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Dodece said:

You do from time to time bother reading oh I do not know the sales charts for the Wii. Notice anything striking about the top five games. No wait I don't want to ruin the surprise for you. Seriously this isn't the blue ocean its the wading pool. What your telling me that mini games are not the best selling genre on the console. What are your going to say they do not hold the top positions.

1. Wii Sports 12.45m
2. Wii Play 6.99m
3. Zelda Twilight Princess 3.88m
4. Mario Party 8 2.78m
5. Wario Ware Smooth Moves 2.00m

Seriously the console already has somewhat of a reputation. The fact that its living up to that reputation isn't going to help when it comes to getting complex, or more mature titles. Honestly I can only play so many compilations before I want a real game. I suppose if you get off on the though of an endless stream of compilations it sounds fantastic to you, but for me I want something challenging not mind numbing.

Basically its true and you know it. Crying about it doesn't change a thing.

Okay, let's start...






Nintendo is destroying the industry!

When PS60 get price cut, Wii is through.

Wii Fit!!????

Nintendo is abandoning the hardcore!

When this game comes out, THEN the PS360 will take off!

Nintendo not serious about online.

Wii is just a party machine.

Wii sells because it is cheap.

Pachter says…

Nintendo milks profit due to inferior hardware!

Gamecube started well at first too…

Wii is a fad!


LOL minigames!!1!

PS3 is on a ten year plan.

Wii is two Gamecube systems put together by duct tape!

Argh!!! Non-games!!!1!!!

Wii-mote is a gimmick.

Stupid casual gamers!

Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems.

When HD adoption rate goes up, Wii is finished.

Who cares about Wii sales? All the real games are on PS60!

Where are the third parties? LOL!

VC is overpriced rom dump!

What happens when people get bored of Wii Sports