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A third of the population will be destroyed by natural disaster if man doesnt beat us to the punch, your thoughts?? Here is proof ...................

How bout , you think of this!!!!!The worlds demise will start between 2003 and end in a cataclysmic event on December 21st 2012. What are your thoughts?????   Mayan proof

 NASA predicts that there will be a very intense Solar storm in 2012, with the sunspot cycle being at its maxima. NASA also stated that this storm will be 30% to 50% greater than the previous storm. Source

NASA also predicts that the Sun will also reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of current 11-year sunspot cycle. Some believe this will amplify the effects of retarding magnetic field on earth, as harmful charged particles blasted away from the sun would more easily penetrate the earth's atmosphere. [9]

When the milky way is aligned, the debris will speed toward earth toward in a huge raining down of meteors, hence almost every religions doomsday , revelations, the skies fell and the sea's boiled.



Sumerian Proof with planet distortion/continental drift and magnetic pole shift