jarrod said: >
Er, can you link me then? Because the links I'm looking at don't have that, and iSupply teardowns are always console only. |
http://www.tgdaily.com/business-and-law-features/40745-land-in-sight-sony-cuts-ps3-production-cost-by-35 "iSuppli believes that Sony pays $46.46 for the Cell processor (down from $64.40 for the 90 nm model) and $58.01 for the Nvidia GPU, down from $83.17 previously. The market research firm estimates that the PS3 console has a material cost of about $415.74; the controller (with 189 individual parts) may cost $14.84, while manufacturing is estimated at $18.14." I'd assume those parts you list are under "other components. I know the controller is.
its so always console only they have other parts in their tear down. AND MANUFACTURING AND TESTING!