Miguel_Zorro said:
LOL @ the Innervate's post. It's possible. :) Pachter has burned both the PS3 and the 360 with his price cut rumours. He might as well take a shot at the Wii. :)
Nintendo *might* be working on an HD version, but I don't think they need it. The only way they'd release something like that is if it looked like the PS3 was going to overtake the Wii. I don't see that happening in 2010.
That, and people don't buy the Wii for the graphics. My girlfriend plays Wii fit and Mario Kart Wii and she's happy. She doesn't know if it's 720p, and she doesn't care. I'll play those games with her, but she bought me a Wii Star Wars game, and I couldn't stand it. I'll play the fun/happy games on the Wii, but having HD isn't going to make me play shooters on it - I already have a console for that, as does everyone else who is interested in the that type of game.
Nintendo's been successful this gen by having a target audience and serving it well. Trying to be everything to everyone wouldn't be a good way for them to go.
But would you really like to see Kingdom Hearts 3 or Final Fantasy XIII on Wii with inferior graphics to the way you thought it would look when everybody thought this gen would be another win for Sony and their advanced tech? Wouldn't you like to see Epic Mickey come very close to looking like its concept art and a Pixar cartoon? Or Metroid: Other M have graphics as good as Gears or Uncharted 2 or Metal Gear Solid?
Trying to be everything to everyone worked well for the SNES, PS2, and DS.