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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

gamings_best said:

really dude...................really LMAO!! I could have sworn the 360 was the cheapest console on the market...... like by 100$, come on man, how low must the 360 price be for people to buy it, 150? 100? lol and they say 360 is of better value I got my elite when it cost 400$ it has dropped to 300$ right after ps3 drooped to 300$ how is that not having a price cut.

face it bro 360 is just getting beat,............imo

and I'm gonna let you in on alittle secret, a lot of 360 only owners are now buying ps3's, every single one of my 360 only owner friends have or are in the process of doing so, however the same cannot be said for my ps3 only owner friends, the ones who are looking into another gaming machine are saving up for pc.

but you didn't hear that from did not hear that from me -fades into the shadows- lol


Average sale price Xbox 360: $261, average price last year? $260

Average ratio of Sony PS3s 120 vs 250GB 9:1.

Average sale price PS3 = $305-310, difference: $45-$50

Without any more data its pretty reasonable to assume the difference caused by the Arcade console units to be roughly matched by the difference the integrated Blu Ray drive and playback makes on the PS3.

Oh and anecdotes suck, I have friends who are just using their PS3s for Blu Ray and will be migrating back to playing PC games due to 3D, but its a useless anecdote.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?