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The difference between the 360 and the PS3 is that the PS3 is mostly hardcore gamers while the 360 has a stronger presence of teenage gamers next to its hardcore gamers. Mostly because the 360 is cheaper and it has more games suited for this new breed of gamers. But if PSN hopes to grow to XLive's size then they will get these kind of gamers aswell as by now all hardcore gamers have a ''nextgen'' console already. It makes Live more chaotic then PSN but it also makes it feel more alive. But even with PSN being possibly more mature it is doubtful your going to find over 100 players on each side willing to shut up and follow orders. MAG could still fail because of that, if it is able to get 90% of the players to work together then I'm sure it would also succeed on Live aswell. But that is IF it will succeed, just because most people on PSN don't have a headset to shout in doesn't mean they are that much more mature.