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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

Demotruk said:
Sorcery said:

Not necessarily. Just because unit sales are up doesn't mean revenue is up.


Excellent sales for the PS3 though, $300 really is the magical price point. With the PS3 still matching 360 sales after the holidays in NA, is Microsoft starting to feel any pressure to cut the price of the 360? I wouldn't be surprised if the Elite drops in price by $50 before too long.

In fact, in terms of revenue, PS360 are slightly down YoY. Wii is down much more though, thanks to that price cut...

That's true...I think.


However a x360 price cut by $50 is doubtful although possible.

I think all x360 price revisions will wait 'til natal.

Even IF MS is making a profit on each x360 I doubt it is anywhere near $50.

Not even Nintendo makes that much on each wii and they are the Hardware profit kings.

After 4/5yrs from launch the plan is usually to sell your HW for profit until it's death...or so I was lead to believe.