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forevercloud3000 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
forevercloud3000 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
forevercloud3000 said:
End of Eternity will probably fare better than those two(although it is quite suicidal releasing on the same day as FFXIII).

releasing on the same day as FFXIII?

in america (where its known as Resonance of Fate) it is. March 9th

March 9 really!? damn! My gaming budget will be messed up. I have to loan from my friends now and win every Poker match with my friends now.

Yea, my funds this year will be very limited. I need another job :/

Yup, It sucks that I don't have enough money to buy all the  great games this year.  I found it funny years ago people complain that PS3 has no games and now People complain because of so many games.

well you know fans, we can never be satisfied. In the imortal words of Nero from DMC4, "Give me MOAR GAMES....i mean POWER!!!"

My PS3 game library now stands at about 14 games(more than 80% of them Exclusives), not to meantion I had a few more games this gen but just didnt hold on to them. Also forming a sizable PSP collection and there are about 4 more I want to add for that. This is the most amount of games I have ever played in one generation I think. I am very picky and refuse to spend 50+ bucks on ANYTHING i think will be bellow a 9/10(in my book). Every single one of my games is top teir and worth every penny.

you dont get anything below a 9/10... I'll tell Seraphic to cross you off the WKC clan list.