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Some of you who didn't even bother to read the full article before making statements are failing pretty badly.

Anyway, what I think is this guy has some kind of anxiety disorder because he mention anxiety and panic attack several times in the article. Now I am sure the added cost contributed to him returning the Wii, but that wasn't the only factor. He also returned it because it would undermine the other gifts they had gotten for the kids. He also stated that they could figure out a good policy in which to govern the wii use. Finally he stated at the end that he may indeed get a Wii.

Some things that got to me. He mention that he limited his kids internet time becaue he didn't want them to become shut in that have no friends. I can understand limiting the time cause of there age, but the shut in statement was uneccesary. He also hasn't played video games since Atari. He is really out of touch with technology it seems. I don't agree with his 30 minute policy, and I believe making it 30 minutes on wii and 30 minutes on internet would have been an easy and simple policy. He is not me though and I have not right to tell him how to raise his kids.

Anyway, boring article. I can't believe someone can get paid to right about their boring life. Maybe there hoping Wii in the title would up reader interest.

95% of gamers don't know they are noobs, the 5% who do won't be noobs for long

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