GreyianStorm said:
disolitude said:
Dark Chaos said:
mario64 said:
Dark Chaos said:
Its true. This is becoming the next SOny defense force website. Look at all the banned ppl recently, they all are Sony fans like these in this threads. Its pretty sad actually that they feel compelled to get excited that the PS3 after a price cut and a slim version plus the GOTY only gets to sell 4grand more.
Its true. This is becoming the next MS defense force website. Look at all the banned ppl recently, they all are MS fans like these in this threads. Its pretty sad actually that they feel compelled to get excited that the 360 after a price cut and a one year headstart plus the GOTY only gets to sell 4grand more.
/fixed for 2007 version
Whatt??? first You say that the 360 is alive in Japan then you say that this site is filled with MS fans??? I don't if I should laugh or feel sad for you
I think feeling sad is due here as according to his profile he is 34 years old who still gets excited like a cat in heat when a game console sells more than another game console.
I think feeling sad is due here as according to your profile you are 28 years old and enjoy preventing people who get excited like a cat in heat when a game console sells more than another game console.
LOL so true. Denial is strong.