Hus said:
disolitude said:
The actual games, absolutely. Sales of a console...not in the slightest. If your team sucks, you suck it up and wait till it gets better, if your console sucks, you dispose of it and get one that doesnt.
In any case, I really don't care...just have nothing better to do at work atm.
If I did care I'd point out how Sony is selling each console at a loss and how PS2 and PSP sales are dissapearing by the second which has been helping offset their PS3 losses for the past 2 years...and how games sales, which are the main source of revenue, still don't touch xbox 360, and how Xbox360 gets to sell their console for a profit and has an online model which they make money off as well.
But like I said, I really don't care which console sells more cause the bottom line is...there will be a 360 price cut if PS3 keeps outselling it and vice versa.
lol atleast stop hiding your obvious pro 360 mentality.
you are bitter your console is losing if you didnt care about sales you would not point out one is losing money to help lick your wounds.
you sir are a hypocrite.
There are way more entertaing sites online to kill time at work then vg dude.
Cant go on youtube...they disabled that... I just watched the Dark Void review on GT. 6.8...doens't seem too good.