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Javaupdate said:

This is actually a very good column. I bought the Wii for Christmas and extra costs add up incredibly fast. Mainly because it's a party conssole and you need, really you need up to 4 extra controllers. Now of course each extra controller happens to come in two pieces and cost $60. Then you need an extra game. And I didn't even have to worry about batteries.


Lets say you just buy the Wii, one extra controller, and one extra game, it's already $310, and you probably want more controllers and batteries.


If you're buying a PS3 or 360 OTOH, you can probably get by with one controller, maybe pick up a  second tops later, 3rd or 4th out of the question.


I guess the unique thing to Wii is that you need so many controllers. And that being a "party" console you feel like you need more games with the system too, if that makes any sense.

You can't assume you need 4 controllers for the Wii and then compare it to someone not wanting 4 controllers on another console.  That's called unfairly skewing the facts to prove your point and it's a pretty worthless comparison.

If you have a family that needs four controllers for whatever reason, they're still going to need four if they buy a 360.  The only thing that changes is their selection of games, but then that would be the families fault for not buying the correct console for that family.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that consoles are more expensive than the sticker price for 99% of people, I just think this guy is a moron for not doing research before he buys and then being surprised when he found out he would have to spend more.