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How is it on healthcare that the political left has absolutely no idea about what the right actually wants, while the right knows the details of the left's plans...and yet the right are the ones being the unreasoning uneducated obstructionists who need to die (according to you) in order for progress to be made?

Perhaps you should take the time to familiarize yourself with the opposition and what they actually support before throwing up your hands in disgust at them?

There has ALWAYS been middle ground on health-care reform but the fact is that even the moderate democrats were locked out of the crafting of the bill.

Oh and let us not forget that up until Brown was elected the democrats COMPLETELY controlled the legislative process and no amount of GoP Obstruction meant a damn thing. It was other democrats blocking the bill. It is delusional to say that the GoP was blocking the bill when the Dems had full control and still couldn't get it passed over 10 months of negotiating, pandering, bribing, etc...

To Each Man, Responsibility