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^nah, not really. WHAT YOU LIKE is what counts. For me there's a number of 90+ titles that don't deserve even an 8. Example: GTA4 that's a 6 in my book. Killzone 2 is a 7 to me. Oblivion is an 8. Left for Dead (this one particularly looks and plays like shit), Halo, Call of Duty, Bioshock, all equally worthless since I couldn't care less for FPS, so why would I count those games? Infamous was a 7 to me, Prince of Persia a 6, Assassin's Creed is a fucking 5 joke and I won't even consider touching the 2nd one. Mass Effect is no more than a 7.5 and I'm still looking forward to the sequel. It's all a matter of taste, don't fool yourself. A "pretty highly-scored collection of games I don't care about" is not what I want, not even for ridiculous fanboy bragging rights.