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Supporting troops at fighting a war DOES NOT MEAN SUPPORTING THE WAR in the first place. I can give you money and support to fight but that does not mean I have to support the fight in the first place.

Also anyone who says that the US didn't meddle with the region first is either deillusional or doesn't know their history very well. More than 20 years before 9/11 the seeds of sticking your hands where they dont belong was planted. Look up the Iraq/Iran and Afghan/Russia wars.

As far as the whole finiacial situation in the states, I have to say you guys are quite screwed. The Federal Reserve system is your biggest downfall. Basically all money in the US is created and given out by the FRS and LOANED to the government at INTEREST, that means all money in the US has a debt attached before anyone gets it, and since the FRS is the only one who can issue money which is used to pay the dept to the FRS it means the country can NEVER get out of debt. Want proof look up charts of your national debt, it has been on a sharp increase since the creation of the FRS in the early 1900's.