megaman79 said:
He has been fed to the f----ing lions. Thats what i think about this sort of shit. Oh and to say that people treated Bush the same is completely misleading. Atleast the Democrats compromised with Bush on occassion. |
The Democrats often compromised with George W. Bush because the Bush Administration put forward an agenda that Democrats could support on an issue by issue basis because he needed the support of Democrats to get anything done.
The most accurate way to describe the approach taken by the Obama administration in creating an agenda is that Obama has passed the buck on creating an agenda to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi; and the result of this is a confusing agenda focused heavily on issues that are not priorities to Americans, and anyone who is as (or more) conservative as a moderate democrat finds unacceptable. To make matters worse, the combination of making back-door deals with Drug-Companies, buying off senators to vote a certain way, and making tax exemptions to gain political support from a lobby group were in no way things he was forced to do; and he could have easily used it as an opportunity to deliver on the change that he promised in the election.