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Lord Flashheart said:
@common man.
I know what you mean unfortunately when I'm commenting on them like today I know who I mean but others reading my comments don't. The lesser trolls as I'll call them are just funny and mildly annoying but the ones that peddle the same old shite over and over again they are the one's I mean.
When a thread becommes more PS3 centric as you put it it ruins it for other PS fans who get caught up with the fanboys. They might disagree or even agree with the topic at hand but because the thread has been ruined they are either 1, seen as part of that group or 2, feel like they are being wrongly being called fanboys and challenge that. Which they have a right to do and even though they never side with the trolls because they are sticking up for themselves others feel that they are really siding with the trolls.

I feel that there are far more actual sony trolls than wii or 360 trolls. People read post and don't see how they are disruptive and never see how trollish they are but will read something they disagree with and will clock that as being a troll post. I have yet to read a Sony or Ninty thread that's as bad as a lot of MS threads.
Mob mentality I guess.

Sony trolls are more as Sony fans are more on this site, so it makes statistically sense. Nintendo trolls are a little annoying bunch, surprisingly small compared to the wide user base.

But MS trolls are more than it appears at a first glance, it's only that some of them are very subtle, I won't name names, everybody knows some of them. At least one of them (*), for example, never exceeds the limit in a single post, but he relentlessly accumulates one little dig on the other, it's not only a simple dislike or criticism that burst out every now and then like it happens to normal forum dwellers, it's systematic.

(*) I don't even know whether he wrote in this thread, I have read a few posts only, but he wrote in almost every thread about positive news for Sony and far too often using his very clever and peaceful looking stealth trolling style...

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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