justinian said: This similar thread for the other two consoles had like 15 games each. With Halo and (to a lesser extent) GT5 out this year I don't think wii will OWN 2010 as it did the previous years. I still expect SMG2 and Zelda to outsell Halo or at least go close. I don't think we will see a 20m selling wii game like MKwii, Wii Fit or (potentially) NSMBwii launched this year. Still I'll be getting at least 3 of those titles. |
Mock threads are funny.
Halo 3 could not stop Wii. I do not think anything can, to be honest. Release a big game for HD consoles, and Wii sales... rise???
Zelda may not outsell Halo but SMG 2 would have to not come out in order for it to not outsell Halo.
Such bold words. I am sure there were many that thought the same thing going into last year.
Which three are locks for you? I may get some of those titles if they come out before Monster Hunter Tri. But my life ends the day Monster Hunter Tri is released. : )
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