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@Lord Flashheart- I do know what you are saying about the PS3 fans on this site, but I think you might be misintepreting "most abundant" with "worst".

Here's what happens: When one fanbase is more prevalent, you get a lot more posts supporting that side. Then one person in the majority reads a rediculous troll post, and puts one up slightly less rediculous which looks reasonable in comparison, and tada, the bar of acceptability has been lowered. When you see so many people agreeing with you, well it can become a heady mix, and can get out of hand (I once again refer you to the "360 gimped FFXIII!" threads). I don't believe that all of these people are trolls, but acceptability and "trolling" are defined by the society that one is in. Here on VGChartz with a preponderance of PS3 fans, some threads can become a PS3-centric "society" thus lowering the bar of acceptability. Then when you call them "trolls" they (and I'm guilty of this too!) feel attacked because they don't see their posts as being out of line, because according to the tone of the thread, they aren't.