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I'll admit that FF is kinda surprising for me. I didn't get it because I don't really like FF games anymore but I thought everyone else did?!

Silent Hill, while its an amazing game, like someone else pointed out the HD version did poorly as well. I just don't think the mainstream gamers like survival horror games anymore. So I am not too surprised that one is doing poorly. Also as another person mentioned, since Wii games generally have long legs they are not favored by retail outlets. Retail stores need every inch of shelf space they can get and don't like games that sit around on the shelf for awhile even if they sell over time. That's why there are no copies of any of the good games on the Wii in stores. Unfortunately most gamers still buy their games in stores and advertising is low as usual for gamers who do happen to go online for game purchases.

Current Favorites:
Wii - Muramasa, MH3, Metroid Trilogy, RS2, Okami, RE4, COD, Dead Space, Scarface
PC - L4D, TF2, BFBC2, Killing Floor, Aquaria, Warsow, many UDK indie games
Mods - MechWarrior:Living Legends, Star Wars: Galatic Warfare, PVKII, Goldeneye Source, L4D mods
PS3 - Demon Souls, Way of the Samurai 3
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