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@Cheeseburger #2

Now as for Mike Huckabee being a conservative: He isn't a Ronald Reagan. He has problems with some of his ideas, I admit that. But he is more conservative fiscally and socially than any of the others.

Sorry but Ron Paul is a Libertarian. He isn't a Republican even though that is the designated party he is running under. He may have several conservative ideas and even some great ones, but I believe he is wrong about the problem we face internationally. Islamic Terrorism. And yes Islamofascism is a word and is very descriptive of the enemy we face. The "Corporate" entity however isn't a company, but a religious group. Not all Muslim people believe what the extremists believe, but those that don't simply do not believe everything to Koran says. No offense to anyone reading this but it is true.

Also the Patriot Act does not allow the government the "Domestic Spying" powers you claim it to have. It does allow the government to listen and record calls between this country and known terrorist nations and people. If it did allow the government to spy on all of my phone calls, I would have a problem. It does not allow that however. As for Habeas Corpus in wartime, All the past Presidents suspended that right during wartime. We are at war whether we like to admit it or not. Surprisingly President Bush hasn't suspended that right to Americans... Only American citizens are accorded that right, so anyone saying that we should give the prisoners in Club Gitmo access to our courts is a fool. They are not even POWs because they are not members of a nationstate. The Geneva Convention does not give them any rights.

As to the spending and size of the government, I will agree that it is WAY TOO MUCH! I want the government to decrease spending and size by 25-50%. Also I agree that the military is over-stretched. I believe though that we need to increase the size of our military to cover this problem.

IF we want to keep our Freedom of Speech, then we need to support Michael Savage in his fight against the group C.A.I.R. a known terrorist sympathizer and is funded by terrorist groups such as Hezbollah. He is the front line in the fight to keep America the way it used to be.

PS. I will agree that Conservatism does seem to be fading, but that is because most Politicians don't have the balls to stick to a true conservative message and principles. It is not because Conservatism does not work.

I want my WHOLE paycheck! I support the Fair Tax!