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libellule said:
- get back realism, no shitty weapon

You mean get back to the game full of fighting kangaroos and velociraptors? Massive robots and cyborgs? A guy possessed by a demon? That kind of realism?

I get your point on the weapons though but they are just added extra in the costume part and most are slow, redundent and avoidable.

On subject and in responsee to your comments: Agreed in Graphics. Tekken used to be the game to live up to graphics wise on PS1 and even PS2, I still think it looks good, very good just not good as it coul be.

Definately have more customisation options and not only that, give all characters 4 standard costumes, just 2 (or 3 without being about to change the 3rd) seems a bit backwards considering Tekken Tag had loads of costumes, okay so they were usually variations but then that was Tekken Tag on a DVD this is Blu-ray.

The girls to have boob physics, Bob and Ganryu need it as well (unless they do and I haven't noticed) but generally on all animations,I think it's had a vast improvement over T5, characters can move seemlessly into throws and other moves, wall contact still not great though, so I'd like to be able to push a button and instant recover from a wall like I can the floor.

No campaign mode (or as extra not nessecary), just Tag Team function and bowl.

I don't like the juggling mechanic, I hardly use it. I find 2 well placed punisher move or a combo where the first hit garentees the rest are far more effective then a juggle combo. I understand why you'd want to juggle because it unblocked damage but still.


Lastly, get rid of the Bear, I hate the bear.

Hmm, pie.