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I thought I would like to put my two cents in:

I, personally, am not terribly upset with these new announcements of third parties pulling support from the Wii. I am more apathetic-- and that is because when someone like Ubisoft says they are going to release fewer games on the Wii I look at my collection and see that I didn't buy any of there games, so no big loss for me.

However, what irks me is when companies claim they tried to put out good games, and then blame the customers for there games not selling.

First, how is it the customers fault that your games aren't selling? Seriously, these companies need to look at the situation and see why the game isn't selling: is the game niche, just bad, lacking in content, no advertising, whatever. Blaming the customer for not getting it is usually a sign that the company is about to go under.

Second, where is this support they keep claiming they did? EA publishes MW two years after the game came out with no advertising (and then puts MW2 on every platform, including a DS version, except for the Wii). Several companies put third rate efforts on the Wii and then told owners 'this is a test game, buy it and we will give you the real thing' (Capcom was one of the worst offenders in this area). But why should I buy a crappy game?

Using Capcom and their Resident Evil franchise as an example, Capcom put out two games: RE4 and RE:UC and told people they were test games to see if the audience was there. Both games sold over a million. What did Capcom do after this? Capcom then gives Wii owners another on rails shooter (a genre that has never been big, and the Wii has a ton of those games anyway). Why didn't they put a new game in the vain of RE4 on the system? RE4 sold over a million-- it was supposedly one of the test games, and obviously demand is on the Wii for such games. Then, when RE:DC doesn't sell as well as the original, Capcom claims that 'core' games can't sell on the Wii. Here is an idea: put a core game on the Wii before you claim that.

To sum up: I am apathetic about getting less third party support (because that means less crap on the shelf, and less companies complaining about there third string games not selling-- which is somehow my fault when they release crap).
I get annoyed when companies say that they tried and that the audience just isn't there considering I can't think of any company that did try, save for HVS (while the Conduit was an OK game, it had several problems-- but I can't wait for the Grinder), and the upcoming MH3 (which I think is a Capcom game, so this will be there first serious attempt-- over 3 years into the console life).