There are some games that are really special to each of us because they meant a new wonderful experience, so great that somehow we need to share our happiness with others by preaching its goodness and getting them to experience the same.
I would like you all to list the 10 best new gaming experiences YOU had on this console generation so far (it doesn't matter if the game is part of a big franchise with lots of iterations).
Here goes mine.
10 - Wii Sports / Wii Sports Resort
9 - Rune Factory Frontier (Wii)
8 - House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)
7 - Guitar Hero III (Wii)
6 - Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
5 - Little King's Story (Wii)
4 - Muramasa (Wii)
3 - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)
2 - No More Heroes (Wii)
1 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune / Uncharted 2 (PS3)
I've only lately played Tales of Symphonia (GC) and Persona 4 (PS2), and they both could top Nº 1 in my list though they are last gen.