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My personal favorites are OP, HxH, Ubel Blatt, Id, and 1/2 Prince. Ubel Blatt and Id blow Naruto/Bleach out of the water imo. The Breaker is a close 6th.

I read manga, manhua, manhwa, everything that I find that I like. I read pretty much a little of every genre.

Some good non-battle stuff I like includes Alive - The Final Evolution (horror/shounen), Kurosagi (very cool, but updates are rare, a few more were just released though so I am hopefully), and Detective Conan (long but good, like 720 chapter now I think?).

Even some shoujo is good; I recently read Glass Mask which was pretty interesting, but maybe that's because I have many small-time actor/actress friends, but the story is pretty good. Oh, and Bakuman/Hikaru no Go/Death Note (as in the main stuff Obata Takeshi did art for) are some other great non-battle shounen stuff.

I've probably read a good 150ish different series at this point, and that's not including one-shots, or anything with only maybe 1-10 chapters total/released. That would bring the number closer to 400-500.