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TWRoO said:

Hmmm, this video about the Aquarium I hadn't seen before (though It's from September) but I watched it and he mentioned he could not access online with his imported version. I hope this doesn't mean it will be region locked again

I suppose Nintendo could have a way of locking the online for outside Japan until it is released elsewhere, I hope that is the case.

My guess is that's because it's people who you've exchanged friend codes with only and since he's playing an imported version, no one he knows has a copy for him to play with.  So with any luck we'll be able to play this time.

Man, I watched all the videos on Endless Ocean (and Silent Hill) and what a difference from the first one.   It's like it's on a different generation of console almost.    Very beautiful game, lots of great new ideas.   Love the fact you get money from doing jobs and collecting treasure which you can then use to upgrade equipment and such.     Lots of completely different environments now.   Great use of land to interact with land based animals.   It was always pretty freaky to find a walrus or polar bear on your boat in the tropics.  WTF? A walrus?  How'd it even climb onboard?  

Shooting dangerous animals is great because now you actually get attacked (but glad a shark doesn't rip your arm off prompting an immediate halt to exploration) and defend yourself.   Shooting fish to heal them seems a little cheesy but it's probably fun to play.   Like a shoot-em up minigame.

The models were all more crisp and detailed and thrilled to see the gills and eyes moving on the whale shark, much more lifelike.  And riding smaller large animals too.  Panning around blown-up environments to find small fish is a great touch.   Feeding fish looks like a blast.  The aquarium is much better too. 

I'm so excited!   Can't wait to play it.  And Wii Speak too.   Love that.   The poor quality on Wii Speak will actually be more immersive for once.  lol.  At least until the cat meows or something.