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Bayonetta will be the greatest action game of all time, until God Of War 3 comes out.

Why? because Bayonetta it's 80% DMC + some redefined gameplay + new character + new story
-The game failed, it didn't sell more than 1M across both platforms, i don't think it will.
-Platinum Games can't even make a good port of their best selling platform.
-The main character is not appealing at all.
-The combat is not redefining anything.

Why GOW3 will be the greatest action game of all time?

-it'll be the best selling hack & slash game.
-The best story you can find in this genre, great design too.
-Great graphics running at 60fps.
-Main character appealing.
-The combat redefined the genre ( see darksiders, dante's inferno, and other games which tries to "steal" the best of it )

this is my opinion, i have to say that i don't like BAYONETTA at all, it looks dull to me, just because itagaki created the game it doesn't mean it's good, the game it's the same from DMC to me.

I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!