LordTheNightKnight said:
Well when the best selling third party franchises are almost non-existant on the system (GTA), and about the only top selling franchise is gimped in marketing (where the hell are the Modern warfare ads?), the third parties are largely at fault for this. |
Maybe, in some cases, but looking at http://vgchartz.com/worldtotals.php?name=mario&console=Wii&publisher=&genre=&minSales=0&results=50&sort=Total I don't remember having seen the 10th (and so far last) Mario tiltle advertised better than a lot of good 3rd party titles all selling less than it http://vgchartz.com/worldtotals.php?page=2&results=50&name=&console=Wii&minSales=0&publisher=&genre=&sort=Total
Edit: that Mario game is currently 62nd ranking of all Wii games, I don't know in future, so the 2nd link may become outdated, yet if you browse the list after it you can find a lot of good 3rd party games that sold less.