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tk1989 said:

- And the final one... Cnet has not commented on it yet. Now, this is what i believe is the biggest factor... Considering the massive outlash against both Eidos and CNet/Gamespot since this happened, i think its quite weird that neither has commented on it yet. If it was due to the fact that he was inconsistent (i doubt it), or another factor, then why dont they just tell everyone and stop this mess from continuing? Why are they just letting it go on like this, when they are losing customers and people are saying they will "boycott" their products in outrage?

90% of the people will have forgotten about this incident and moved on within two weeks. Anything they would say regarding this issue would only prolong the incident itself and give it more publicity.

Saying nothing and letting it die a mysterious death is probably their best choice short of outright, incontrovertible proof that nothing malicious has been done.