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The questioners were chosen by cnn... not clinton or obama. Or course, a lot of those who submitted questions have a deep interest in questions. Being linked to the clinton campaign is no more suspicous than being linked to the NRA.

Watching it, I can't believe how well romney's been doing. He came accross so badly.

Huckabee doesn't seem very bright, or to understand how economic systems (or government) works, but does come accross as likable. As a non-american, I'd quite like him to win, just to see how low the $ could be driven with another 8 years of a likable incompetent.

McCain easily came accross as the best.

Generally though, the answers revealed just how little american politicians need ot debate their ideas. The level of debate seemed very low. I guess US politics is more driven by stump speeches, adverts, etc.