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theRepublic said:
jammy2211 said:
I think the exclusive support for Wii motion plus is where they're worried. The games selling point is with a peripheral which was predominantly bought by the 'Wii Sports' crowd and while they could bundle RS2 with the thing, to me it seems a bit late.

The other thing is these companeis normally have a good grasp of how a title will do before launch. They've got preorders, market research from things like internet searches, popularity on press websites etc and other stuff.

This does most likely mean it's marketing budget will be slashed too, but if Ubisoft's data says the game pre-launch isn't popular, then it may make sense not to blow alot of money marketing the game. Depends how it all adds up I guess *Shrug*.

I thought I heard that this game was going to be bundled with Motion Plus.  If that is the case, their should be no worries about Motion Plus dragging down the performance of the game.  I could be remembering wrong though.


From what I have heard, publishers base the marketing budget based on their expectations for a game.  Since expectations were cut in half, that likely means that the marketing budget just got cut in half.  Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy to me.

The game is going to be bundled with MotionPlus. The bundle is up on Between that, the bundling of Tiger Woods with Motion Plus, Wii Sports Resort, and Grand Slam Tennis selling decently there are more then enough units out there. So that as a worry for Ubisoft doesn't really fly.

It's also a self-fulfilling prophecy with 3rd parties when it comes to Nintendo systems. They don't even try and then complain when things don't go their way. They make games that seem to have effort behind them but then refuse to advertise the game and let people know about them. Then they again complain when they don't get sales. It's move past being sad to just plain frustrating. Especially since it seems they refuse to admit or acknowledge their mistake. That is if it is a mistake and they aren't simply doing this on purpose.