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What strikes me about this game is it seems to me to have been made to take advantage of everyone's desire for 1:1 swordfighting (although not originally, they changed gears mid-stream). So that's the focus. Why do I have a problem with that? Because I don't think they really took the time to first find what would make that 'fun' and then build a game around it. They just shoved it in and hoped fun would be found along the way.

I'm betting it will be fun, for a while, then get old real fast.

I'd think a Zorro game might work better (not that crap one already out) but it'd be fun to make 'Z's, getting progressively better at carving them into things quickly, cutting off parts of a woman's dress (without cutting her), using a whip and really finesse fighting - block, block, parry, thrust. Red Steel seems like a lot of 1:1 waggle against a lot of generic enemies and not much more to it than that.

Of course a WM+ Jedi Knight Lightsaber game would sell millions....