1.) Fallout 3 is #5? First of all, it's glitch-ridden. Second of all, Fallout 3 sucks. Go into burned out building, search through a thousand worthless pieces of crap for 1 or 2 items that'll raise your stats, rinse and repeat. I loved it my first playthrough, but I hate the game now.
2.) Oblivion is on the list? Really? I'd rather have Motorstorm: Pacific Rift or Heavenly Sword on there, to be honest.
3.) Bioshock doesn't deserve to be that high either.
4.) LMAO GTAIV being in the top 10. Still trying to back up your laughable 10/10 score IGN?
Overall I hate the list, but that's probably because I vastly prefer the PS3's console exclusives over any of its multiplatform titles. Not because of blind bias, I just think the exclusives are, generally, better games.
Currently playing: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, NBA2k11, Metal Gear Solid, Picross 3d