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Johann said:
Demotruk said:
I made a mistake in my previous post.

It's the top 119 games out of ~1450 on Wii that sell 130Mill out of all ~190 mill third party sales,
and the top 152 games out of ~800 on 360 that sell 217Mill out of all ~277 mill third party sales.

So around 8% of the Wii 3rd party games count for 68% of the sales.

And around 19% of 360 3rd party games count for 78% of the sales.


Hmmmm...  actually they're both top heavy aren't they?

I'm wondering if most systems are.

"Where do people get the idea that it's cheaper to develop on Wii games?"

Execs from companies have actually said so.

"some of the highly acclaimed games developed for the console like Madworld and World of Goo"

Acclaim does not equal sales. GTA IV would have outsold Mario Kart if that was the case.

"People use Monster Hunter as an example of a good game that sold well - however what they seem to miss is that the game was bundled with the console.  A special version of the console no less.  Any game should hit 1mil in sales being packaged with the Wii."

Those were non-bundled sales that were counted. Did you do any research?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs