Johann on 15 January 2010
Demotruk said: I made a mistake in my previous post. It's the top 119 games out of ~1450 on Wii that sell 130Mill out of all ~190 mill third party sales, and the top 152 games out of ~800 on 360 that sell 217Mill out of all ~277 mill third party sales. |
So around 8% of the Wii 3rd party games count for 68% of the sales.
And around 19% of 360 3rd party games count for 78% of the sales.
Hmmmm... actually they're both top heavy aren't they?
Quem disse que a boca é tua?
Qual é, Dadinho...?
Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!