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Ickalanda said:
As long as a socialist or communist doesn't get elected I'm good. I really would rather a Republican candidate win this though because I don't want Hilary or Obama as president. Hilary wants socialized health care which is a form of socialism and only worsens the quality of hospitals in a country because not as many people want to be a doctor since their pay is not as good as in the current system.

Also I support war and think that it is a good option in some situations and whatever you believe about Iraq leaving now would not be a good idea.

 How do you just... support war?  What does that even mean?  That's like saying you support rape or something.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.