It is sad that the 3rd parties have spent so much on Wii development, had huge advertising for their AAA titles and yet they still don't sell like they do on 360/PS3. Oh wait, they haven't done any of those things, they've mostly just released quick cash-in crap.
I could understand 3rd party frustration if they really had made an effort but they haven't. They all thought that their cheap crap would sell millions which they could then use to finance their AAA HD titles. None of the money went back into making good Wii games. If they put the same amount of effort into their 360/PS3 titles then they would see the exact same result - bad sales. I dare the likes of EA to announce that something like Dead Space 2 will be on-rails for 360/PS3 and then see what kind of sales it gets.
I have yet to see a single high quality 3rd party game that has been advertised. The only games that I have seen are The Conduit and FFCC: Crystal Bearers, both of which got less than glowing reviews. If somebody released a game that was actually good and heavily promoted it then I believe that it would sell in just the same way as the massively overhyped 360/PS3 titles do.
All the 3rd party whining has done is make me think that these companies are run by total morons who have zero business sense. It would serve them right if they all went bankrupt.